Erasmus Experience

Nome: Mihaela Dima
País: Itália – Verona
Curso: Enfermagem
Período de Mobilidade: 2º semestre

“Hi, my name is Mihaela, I’m 22 years old and I’m a third year Italian nursing student.
This year I decided to undertake the Erasmus+ project.
This experience began with a lot of difficulties on my part as the bureaucracy and documents were very difficult to fill out and above all the trip was very complicated to
I chose Erasmus to study, but for nursing the path is different, given that by choosing this path, most of the time, you choose to do an internship abroad.
After enrolling and giving my preferences, I was admitted to the ISAVE university in Amares in Portugal.
This journey with them was very beautiful, I was assisted from the first steps, from the forms to fill out, to the department where I was introduced and the accommodation to find.
Before leaving I had many doubts and fears and I felt lost having to leave for a new country, where I didn’t know anyone; I didn’t know what it would be like and if I would be able to get through it all.
The first day of internship arrived and I was assigned to general surgery at Vila Verde Hospital. I had a lot of difficulties with the language at the beginning, I couldn’t understand
much and others didn’t understand me.
Luckily I had a very good nurse who knew English and followed me through everything. Initially I thought she didn’t trust me too much as I was a foreign student who didn’t know the language, but she helped me with everything and after a few weeks I started working alone.
I had a great time with the hospital team and felt at home, I couldn’t ask for anything better, in fact I thank them very much for all the affection and kindness they gave me.
Instead, life outside the university was introduced to the ESN group (Erasmus Student Network), a community of Erasmus students who organize various events.
In fact, through this portal I managed to meet many young people from all over Europe (and beyond) and we shared many experiences together.
This group organized events every week such as: Portuguese cooking lessons, football and volleyball tournaments, movie nights, parties, trips, and much more.
With them I was able to learn a lot about Portuguese culture, which I fell in love with, from the pastry shop, with the delicious pastel de nata, to the wonderful sunsets over
the ocean. I didn’t think I would be able to meet so many people and be able to communicate with them. I think the friendships I have created here will remain in my heart forever.
If I had to give advice on whether or not to try this experience, I would immediately say to put your fears aside and go for it. If I could go back I would do it again.
One piece of advice I can give is not to be afraid of new things because they can be the best choice you make.”